While the pace slowed, afterMillerFreeman keeps growing

In early December, we launched a social network for former employees of Miller Freeman. That is, everyone who had worked at Miller Freeman Publications or Miller Freeman Inc. (including companies that merged into it, like Gralla) up through Miller Freeman’s absorption into CMP in mid-1999.

Like the universe after the Big Bang, growth was astronomical at first, and then began slowing. Within a week, the afterMillerFreeman social network passed 200 people; after three weeks, it was up to 350. And now, 3 1/2 months later, we’ve just passed 500 members. (The story can be found in a Dec. 19 post, “How social networking destroyed one person-year of productivity in a mere two days.”

If you’re a former Miller Freeman employee, and you’d like to join our social network, you can sign up at http://aftermfi.ning.com.

Z Trek Copyright (c) Alan Zeichick